Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today we watched a video called "Objectified". This video was based upon product designing.


Every object has its purpose. It can be programmed, made from a natural material and etc. But every object is designed to for fill its purpose.

Almost everything that surrounds us is designed for a purpose. Most people think that something that looks like a good design is necessarily a good design, but even if an object doesn’t look like a good design can also be a good design. Even a toothpick can be unique in its own way. The tooth pick is made of weak wood for a reason. If you snap off a little bit off the end of a tooth pick and you rest the serrated edge of the tooth on the piece that was snapped off, it can be used as a rest stand. Even though it looks like a simple design. There is more than meets the eye. Sometimes the simplest designs can be the best. Every design tells its own story.

The way to improve an object can make the job easier. The size, handling and shape of the object meets to the purpose. 

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